Coding Required

New YouTube Channel

2024-06-102 min read

Back in 2010, I spent a good amount of time watching coding YouTube videos to immerse myself in the world of coding. At one point, I wanted to see if I could record a video and publish it myself, so I made a YouTube channel, published one video, and completely forgot about it.

Fast-forward to 2024. I’ve decided to try my hand at making videos again and explore the unexplored. Furthermore, while writing is an excellent medium for expressing yourself, some nuances can only be captured by videos.

What am I going to share? Here are some of the questions that I am hoping to cover.

Running a Bootstrapped Startup

UI / UX Design

Coding Tips & Tricks

I am going to center the video and this blog around those 3 topics and go from there.

With that said, here is an intro video to the channel. Let me know your thoughts.

Anbin Muniandy
CEO & Principal Engineer, YoPrint