Web Logs
2024: A Year of Achievements and Milestones
Recap of 2024 achievements: launched V2, delegated tasks, managed more, wrote 15 articles, acted without over-reading, and hit 90% success
Your Best Recommendation, Please
I let my engineers lead decisions, encouraging creative solutions and independence for truly effective problem-solving.
Goodbye WordPress! Hello Directus & Next.js
We ditched WordPress for a faster, cleaner site with Directus, Next.js, and Tailwind. After hard work and some fun struggles, it was 100% worth it!
Why does remote work matter? At YoPrint, we value flexibility, focus, and results over office distractions and rigid 'productivity' mandates. Here's why.
Innovations Don't Happen In Meetings
Innovation doesn’t happen in meetings—it happens when I act. Ideas are worthless without action. I turn thoughts into results by simply doing.
By delegating sales and support to my customer success manager at YoPrint, I freed up 90% of my time to focus on features. Discover how letting go boosted our productivity and won over customers.
Let Them Fail or The Art of Delegating
By trusting my engineers and embracing mistakes, I fostered growth and boosted productivity. Letting go transformed our team's success. Here's how
Bug or Enhancement? The Key to Clearer Prioritization in Software Development
By redefining bugs vs. enhancements, I boosted productivity and shipped meaningful features. Here’s how I classify and prioritize tasks for better balance.
Treating Customers as Partners: The Art of Explaining 'Why'
Growing up questioning everything, I now make it a priority at YoPrint to explain the "why" behind our decisions, fostering understanding and better solutions.
Why you can’t pay us to add custom modules
At YoPrint, I explain why we say no to lucrative custom modules. They fragment code and harm service. We focus on features benefiting all customers.
Hey! I revamped the blog with a minimalist style—clean fonts and calming colors—for a distraction-free, zen reading experience. Check it out!
From 9–5 to Owning a Software Business
I left my 9-5 at Microsoft to build YoPrint from scratch. Follow my journey of growing a bootstrapped software business, overcoming challenges, and lessons learned.
Why I no longer pluralize my variables
I’ve stopped pluralizing variables in code. Here’s why, how language quirks play a role, and a simpler approach to naming collections in programming.
We encountered a major email abuse issue during our YoPrint trial. Here's how we fixed it, learned from it, and improved our system to prevent future incidents
Here are the techniques I use to write better 'if' statements, making code cleaner and easier to read. Hopefully, they'll be useful to you too!
After a long break, I’m back on YouTube! I’ll share insights on running a bootstrapped startup, UI/UX design, and coding tips. Join me on this video journey!
2024: Doing Less and Achieving More
Happy New Year! This year, I’m focusing on doing less to achieve more: prioritizing impactful YoPrint features, delegating customer success, coding less, and sharing my journey.
After 7 years upgrading YoPrint from Angular 4 to 15, we faced many challenges. Here's our journey, how Nx helped, and why we’re now migrating to React.
We’re leaving Angular because of Zone.js—it's invasive, slow with third-party libraries, and hard to debug. Switching to React boosted our app's performance.
At YoPrint, we switched from Angular to React. Here's why, the benefits of MUI over Angular Material, and how Redux Toolkit simplified our state management.
As a software engineer, picking a font for my Single Page Application was a challenge. Here’s my 80/20 guide on typography and how to choose fonts for your app.
I refactored our codebase to simplify handling Pricing Group drafts in YoPrint. Here’s how I improved clarity and decoupled logic to boost flexibility.
A Software Engineer and His Missing Code
A software engineer’s cautionary tale: why regular commits and pushes are crucial. A small mistake once cost me days of work—here’s what I learned.
Working From Home: Lessons Learned
I’ve been working 100% remotely since 2018. Here are my top tips for staying productive, from dressing for work to creating a dedicated workspace and schedule.
Alternatives to Angular OnChanges Lifecycle Hook
While building YoPrint, I faced issues with Angular's OnChange lifecycle. Here’s how I use Observables and RxJS to handle @Input() changes more effectively.
I created a flexible Ability System for managing features, permissions, and preferences in YoPrint’s UI. Here’s how it works and simplifies UI management.
Over the years, I’ve optimized my code to leverage IDE features. Here are four tips to enhance your NGRX workflow in WebStorm and boost productivity.